Coffey Health System
Coffey Health System

Access Your Secure Health Records

Create Your Safe, Secure Patient Account


What if I cannot pay my bill in full?
We have a variety of financial assistance options available. We will assist you in determining your qualified options, such as: no interest short-term payment plans, long-term bank loans, and we also offer a Patient Financial Assistance (PFA) program that may help in paying your balance to qualified applicants. Please contact us directly at 620-364-4541 or
You will not receive a statement for an immediate balance due until your insurance company(s) have paid or denied payment on your account. Current amount due is expected to be paid once you receive your statement bill from Coffey Health System.
You can contact our office at (620) 364-4541 Monday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. or email us with your questions and contact information and we will contact you as soon as possible,
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